Saturday, January 29, 2005

Manchester's edge

On my mind : the sky
Music : Sting [Dead man's rope, Whenever I say ur name]

Ever wondered how urbanites live? Ever thought about how people adapt themselves to the urban life? Visit 'URBIS' in Manchester. URBIS is an extraordinary modern museum cum gallery involving the concept of 'life in futuristic cities'. Most of the well built, ultra modern cities where life is always on the fast lane, from around the world like Singapore, Los Angeles, Sao Paolo, Manchester, Paris, Tokyo, Mumbai [ I was upset that Mumbai is enclosed whereas Bangalore is the most modern city in INDIA], GuangZhou [Han was upset that GuangZhou is involved rather than Shanghai] are included. It is an incredibly improbable notion for a gallery but we should have something similar to this in Bangalore! Manchester is so far the best 'ideal city' for me to live in but it comes next to Bangalore. Flamboyant shopping, exuberant breathing space, yum yum food, ethnic yet sophisticated city centre......its all my type except for the weather and the timing because of the weather. The shops shutter down at 6 in the evening....night life is supposed to start at 6 in the evening!!

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