Saturday, December 24, 2005

A series of 'un'fortunate events....

23rd Dec.....want to remember this day later sometime when I look back.....
1) Insurance denied after almost a promise that I wud be provided with one, couldnt take a ridiculous reason from them, still cant understand their rules....its the law and its preposterous....being 19 is a crime!
2) On our way back, we stopped a police car for a taxi!
3) Not actually been this mad in a really long the top of my voice, we head towards another company and they refuse it too...
4) Anger gives way to disappointment that I used a swear word for the way things work in this country and a guy bumped right into us that I actually thought for a moment 'we're in a brawl girl!' ......thankfully he wanted to fist someone else......and that was close!
5) I try to calm myself down, my friend's trying to calm me down.... we go to cineworld to see if any new movie's up. We've watched everything except Lassie [the dog movie] and the Family stone? [Diane keaton, I suppose]....wudnt watch them for anything
6) The train station is our next stop to buy tickets for 26th and guess what? no train service on the 26th.....the trains need a break! Btw, the automatic doors and the escalator too dont work at the interchange...
7) Atleast a coach service would do, but the travel centre was closed by the time we got downstairs...
8) At the city centre, a royal mail van drives right on a "pedestrian only zone", right behind me, my friend pulls me back just in time....
8) Its been a wonderful evening so far, I'm tired, I need a mocha.....but the starbucks guy says "sorry, we just closed!"
9) All I want to do is just sit down and sip a hot mocha...thats all I need to cheer me up....Costa should be open until 18:00.....oh no! they've closed early cos its Christmas!
End of it all we returned home empty handed to deal with a lot of other things....just another eventful 'nothing works here' day! No, not complaining.....I can take more! feel like a stalwart now.... :D


Unknown said...

Quite a few in a day..

Shit Hapeens!! and sometimes.. it happens relentlessly.. dats LIFE! ;-)

Chiru said...

These things are very exciting and definitely worth experiencing.. Life gets boring without these petty things..

Archana Ramesh said...

'life is an open road to me'-BA

worth experiencing....absolutely!!

ada-paavi!!!! said...

wat happ to ur trip plans n all? i hope ur aimless trip is goin well

merry christman (belated though)

Archana Ramesh said...

guess 1 & 2 wud explain it.....merry christmas !

Archana Ramesh said...

I was wondering that!

Jagan said...

looks like u had fun :))

Archana Ramesh said...

said that two days ago, macha, you'd have been in serious trouble!