Saturday, August 20, 2005


Here you may find reasons why you are advised against bringing your mother/father to live with you abroad [please dont shoot me]

1. My mother started laughing at about 19:05 and she hasnt stopped at all !! non stop laughing for 50 minutes....good for health?? And the reason? " I remembered something!!" she says. What is it? God knows!!
2. She hasnt gone out for two days and she's started complaining about how she thinks that living here is as good as living in a prison. This, in my case, is a little embarrassing....have I been living in a prison all this while?? Good God NOO!!
3. I think that she thinks I'm a waste bin cos she dumps lots and lots of food down my throat.....she cooks and cooks and cooks [ not because she has nothing else to do but because she wants me to eat] .
4. She cleans and cleans and cleans [this cos she is bored]
5. She complains on how she is gaining weight when all the time she wanted to lose some: "All i have to do is cook and eat and sleep. How am I going to lose weight"


Unknown said...

LOL... everytime I am in home.. my weight begins to increase exponentially..

Chiru said...

hehe... nice way of cribbing...

Jo said...

You got a very caring mom. And it looks you are your a mom's pet. :-)

Archana Ramesh said...

Sumit, too.....I've started growing horizontally now

Thank you

Archana Ramesh said...

Long time!! Cribbing? Dont know about that but thats a sure way of loving and complaining

Absolutely...a super mom!! I'm her pet and she's my pet too :)

nku said...

I guess that's how moms are. Even though you might be having every calorie your body needs, they still think you are starving!

About cleaning, no comments. I just cleaned my room today and I could have used a little help from anyone!!!

Jo said...

BTW, you are blogrolled!

Prashanth M said...

Now I can't stop laughing... *lol*

Parth said...

The quintessential problem. In my friend circle, several parents have come visiting off late. Let me tell you. We don't give a damn abotu the fathers. Its the mothers that matter. What fabulous food :-)

Vivhyd said...

hmm.. good 4 u.. ur mom's in Bradford?? and u r eating away.. :).. never mind the extra calories... those will come off afterwards..

saurav said...

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you diet.......

Vasu the terrible said...

Looks like you are a mamas girl... :)


Jagan said...

He He ..waste bin ah ? sounds really funny :-)

Archana Ramesh said...

meaning?? If you send a return ticket, I wont mind helping you ;D

for the matter that I'm a dustbin?

Archana Ramesh said...

I hate to disagree but really, I'm tired of the eating :)

Those calories will come off....but only when I start working towards it and I'm too lazy for that stuff
:( :((

Archana Ramesh said...

Thats exactly where 'men' are more lucky :(

Vasu, doubt abt that at all :D:D.....:D!!!

Archana Ramesh said...

Funny it is....and over the days, the wastebin size has increased!!!

Karthik CS said...

Hi ..

Have u heard of U - ma - he

Dont ask for the explanation please ..

PS: Its a Kannada Slang

Archana Ramesh said...

Kannada slang aa? Nanege gothilllade iroda?? Yaavdappa idu??

Jagan said...

Your reply to my comment is even better :-)

Arun said...

he he :)

Arun said...

Oh! It is not exactly a slang, but an abbreviated phrase.

Arun said...
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Archana Ramesh said...

Thats it! You've gotta tell me

Tin Tin said...

Long time no see.Lots of posts to catch up.Will see you later.My new post is up on the web as well!