Friday, December 02, 2005

Driving me crazy

What I dislike mostly about UK are the car rental companies. You have to be 21 years or older to rent a car. On the contrary, you get a driving license when you're 18 just as in India. I have my license but I dont have a car....I cant buy one too, not until next year. What I dont understand is the logic of it all..Driving is a skill, why does age matter? If experience counts, I've been driving my car since the day I turned 13......for the love of driving, before I breakdown and cry, would some company rent me a car please? All I want to do is just hit the road now....

PS : My blog's a year old now!


Chiru said...

Its like you can have a boy friend at 18 but can marry only at 21. :)

The fact that you said you want to cry indicates that you are too young to drive. Why don't you wait...

Archana Ramesh said...

You can get married when you turn 19 [for a girl]. Not that I want to get married.....but I want to drive...and I'm never too young to drive....I'm going to burst into tears now :((

Jagan said...

firstly - u drove when u were 13 ? now thts illegal in any part of the world :-) .

second - ( my guess )the reason for being 21 or so ..u will be more matured not to drive rashly .

third - ur age is no more a secret :-)

ada-paavi!!!! said...

lil kids shudnt be given the car in uk i guess, at 18 in ur ur a lil kid i guess.

Archana Ramesh said...

1.I've been driving ever since 13....I drove to school too!!
2.I am not a rash driver!!!
3.My age's never been a secret....I'm 19

I'm 19, not 18! and when it comes to driving I'm not a kid :((

Jo said...

Congrats on completing the first year of blogging. :-)

Unknown said...

Good ! you know to drive na? It's just a matter of time now! Look at the positive side! Knowing something is important.Now you know driving, Tomorrow buying a car would be no big deal! SAve up neough in the next 2 yrs to buy a car of your choice! Then Enzoy!!!
BTW Happy birthday!

Tahnx for dropping by!

NaiKutti said...

heard of guniess records?... how are kids allowed to drive to make records (even if it is illegal?).. i always wondered abt. that!

Archana Ramesh said...


Save enuf for next two years? I can buy one now, but parking and insurance would be a problem :) I'm eying a Porsche :P

I wonder too.....why arent they prosecuted?!!

tht was word of wisdom..... :)

Jagan said...

oh ..u r 19..more comments on ur page i guess ;-)