Thursday, December 01, 2005

That girl.....she's got me thinking! :P "Faith enables us to put our trust on belief. Faith and belief are clearly distinct. Religious beliefs and faith in God are different" --- something I think Karen Armstrong said and I mean. My religious beliefs once triggered the faith I had/have in God. Beliefs faded and are now long gone and God's [I'm sorry God!] become more of an habit that I'm trying hard to let go of. My beliefs dont exist, the concept of God is becoming more complicated yet clear.....At the moment, I do believe in God but I am religionless...this is my faith, my religion, my God and everything else
Thats more God topic


Jagan said...

ha ha ..what happened ? religion ..god ..I can see that your exam dates are nearing :-) . no wonder u hav started believing in god more than ever ..:-))

Unknown said...

Gawd! Why a sudden deluge of musings on God n faith.. ? :D :D

Archana Ramesh said...

Guess what?! I just saw Tom Cruise!!!!

Jagan and Sumit,
Not exams, I've got something, u know, coursework assessment in like 2 days.....that explains it all!!!

Jo said...

Cool! I'm stil trying hard to get rid of the religion thing. But I do have faith in God. When we come closer to the God concept, we start to hate religion, I think. Religion is mostly about power, influence etc.