Back to Andy, he's alright. Yeah, he's alright. Its just that he's bonkers. And I mean crazy lunatic. You think you've seen it all in Marley and Me? Well you haven't met this guy. We're pretty sure he was dropped on the head when he was a baby. The idea of disciplining another living being seems a little cruel to me. So we didnt train him more than necessary. He always pees outside and does tricks when you've got a treat but thats pretty much it. We brought him up to be one of us. Even if he's a boo boo.
I want to remember yesterday. Because yesterday is the day when Andy became Indiana Jones. Having a little city adventure of his own to which he did not invite us. Rude Andy. Very rude. He took off to explore unexplored territories. He crossed big main roads with big red buses. He looked for treasure in supermarkets and under food trucks. He used his barking power on enemies on bikes. After completing his quest of 5 minutes, he decided to be found. Come to think of it, he had a leash. All he needed was the hat.
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