TOI portrays a state crisis as a city crisis.....paints its front page a lovely red! A word to the paper...Karnataka isnt just made of Bangalore! The way you present something makes all the difference! but you're media and you just want to sell or should i say..'reach out'?
Karnataka, a fully visible huge state, in the south of India, up until i post this, is run by a coalition govt formed by JDS and Congress. BJP, though won the maximum no. of seats is pushed out of the scene cos of the coalition. Dharam Singh from congress is the CM, a puppet in the hands of JDS leader Devegowda...
Siddy has a row with H.D.Devegowda's son Kumarswamy on the leadership of JDS, attends a minority [kuruba] conference in Hubli against Devegowda's is sacked from being a deputy CM and is kicked out of the party
Siddy joins congress as a junior [something is better than nothing]!
M.P.Prakash, a senior but more quiet leader, is appointed the deputy CM just as expected.
Kumaraswamy is still itchy fo power...wants to lead JDS and the state, is extremely unhappy about not given importance under the present congress govt. Devegowda cant help his son cos he's committed to the central govt and moreover there are other senior and more experienced ministers in his party.
kumaraswamy ditches his own dad, dumps other seniors, takes most of his witless colleagues into confidence ..
they elect him as the new JDS leader
Meanwhile, BJP, content with the happenings, promises full support to JDS if a new govt is to be formed..
the Kumaraswamy lead JDS, head to the governor's house, withdraw support from the present govt, leaving congress astray
Devegowda isnt happy with the developments, requests the governor to not consider till time
BJP, the biggest loser, gains....[desperate times call for desperate measures!] elects Kumaraswamy [the guy from the opposite party JDS] as their leader!!!!!!! call him their king....declares that they're ready for any sacifice to overthrow cong,Promises to make him the CM for the first twenty months!!!!!
M.P.Prakash and sindhia [ministers fom JDS] still stick to congress and provide support to the present govt.
dharam Singh, the CM, asks the gov for time to prove support
all in the hands of the governor..
things that will happen :
cong fails majority....resigns as the ruling party...
Kumarswamy is the brand new CM of Karnataka with BJP backing up...
Huge split in JDS...M.P. Prakash, Sindhia and others walk their way or simply join congress with the hope for a better future..which i cannot promise :(!
JDS vith kumaraswamy falls enormously......becomes incredibly unpopular...
distant dreams:
somebody suffers a heart attack to step back from politics forever
the BJP/ JDS coalition throws up
kumaraswamy and his gang is kicked out..
elections...[that i can finally vote in]
SMK returns to active politics for a CM.....
Congress wins
and i'm happy! I promise everyone a treat ;D
facts not opinions :
BJP is not a good enough government for Karnataka...people wont elect them, they are not powerful....but with all the confusion, looks like they are powerful..
mostly, people of Karnataka, omitting the vegetarian sect, support JDS/congress....
JDS without M.P.Prakash, Sindhia and other such ministers is nothing
The kumaraswamy lead JDS contains a bunch of uneducated ministers who were famous rowdies that i donot dare mention
implies we'll be ruled by people who are no good than some roadside pigs
Disclaimer : what i write is what i think....I donot care abt the changes that are happening....not at all...! The present govt's sleepy to make way for another useless govt lead by a dubious moron supported by pathetic hypocrites!
and oh, does this mean Bangalore is not gonna be called Bengalooru?
so much senti. I know it kinda hurts to see ur once magnificient city getting wasted, but i then console myself thinking i wont be living there anymore so wat the heck!
frankly thats like running away - but who can clean the mess this (i mean indian)democratic system has created! {read amartya sen's writings on flaws of democracy!!}
oh but on a second thot, I shudn't be talking much :|
I dont care so much so that I do NOT have a photo I-card for voting and my name in any city's voter list!
I mock myself!
phew :-"
after all this stuff....i'd love to! but too bad i'm underage ;D
so much senti. I know it kinda hurts to see ur once magnificient city getting wasted, but i then console myself thinking i wont be living there anymore so wat the heck!
sweetie, you are so dead!!!!!!
//"you are so dead!!!!!! "
Oh really ?????? hmm hmm
So whose stopping you, haan? Lets see your mettle too!
kahi aisa na ho ki tum khud hi..... >:) muuaahahahaha
PS: just started watching brokeback mountain!
i didnt kno u follow politics thts happening back home . i thought ppl abroad hav no idea abt whts happening back home ..
chk this out.
nicely written.
Karnataka and especially bangalore needs much better people to run the place. It just simply does not matter if kumarswamy or the fatty dharam singh run the govt. Both to me are dead dodo's. i am kinda happy though that D.S will go.
Bangalore is the NEW india, and in all this politics, they are just killing the place.
Deve Gowda is the BIGGEST detriment to progress.
happy that cong-jds stand is getting over. they were going no where.
lets just wait and watch if the new govt can do something.
But again in politics, Dont expect anything!!!
I hope someone just comes and put his hands up and says : i will make bangalore the world class city that it deserves to be.
me? not following whats happening back home.....i dont know....i think everybody does...?
you shud check em out at the golden only disappointment....heath didnt win it :((!
i dont see anything happening....maybe some tv soaps and family sagas....DG said he'd consume poison rite? me waiting!
tht wud b the day
u know wat archana? u impress me with ur political posts more than anything else... BRAVO!!!!!!!!
nothings the point.... a news paper!!
blushing... ;D!
U r tagged :)
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