Thursday, May 19, 2005

Current news

My state : Happy, stressed out, confused,burried in books, extra time at the library, house hunting, job hunting, C.V writing, everything everything!! Semester Exams in 10 days, so I would be an irregular blogger until the 9th of June.
Blog state: Changed the template. The previous one didnot work well with firefox. Thanks to Sheeshers and Percy, I changed it. It works fine on Firefox and Internet Explorer. If it doesnot work, contact me immediately.
News at the University : Imran Khan, yes, the cricket legend has been asked to take over as the University's chancellor....always admired him.
On the movies front : Watched a lot of movies despite deadlines and exams..
1. Troy : This one got into me....I really liked the movie. The character of Eric Bana is one of the best ones I've ever seen.
2. Life is beautiful : Fantastic movie, Roberto Benigini is awesome!
3.Terminal : Yes the Tom Hanks movie which ends in a typical BOLLYWOOD style! Nevertheless Tom Hanks did a good job as a citizen of "Krokhozia".
4.A few good men : Loved this one the first time I saw it....Demi Moore is perfect.
5. Legally Blonde 2 : Now why the hell did I buy this VCD?Please donot watch this one!

Also watched Braveheart, Gandhi [common element is that these two heroes realise reality only when they faced problems], Good Will Hunting [5th or 6th time - an all time favorite].

See you all in a while....


Unknown said...

Now thats quite a handfull of movies you watched.. Gandhi and Braveheart.. cudn't quite make the connection. May be I am a bit biased..but anyways.. all the best for exams!

Archana Ramesh said...

Gandhi.....thrown out of the train, discrimination against him....then he starts to fight.
William Wallace [Mel Gibson]...he starts to fight only after his wife was murdered.
Newton's III law

Unknown said...

a plesant surprise to see ur site in a new template; I had experienced difficulty in reading ur earlier postings in the earlier template (Yes I use Firefox)I had also expressed that in the chatter box. Thanks to you.
I wish you all well for ur exams and job/house hunting.
Take good care

Archana Ramesh said...

At first I didnot realise what it was....It did look the same [no overlapping] on firefox.
Thanks for your wishes as well as the message regarding the template.

BZ said...

Hey archana,
First time here.
Nice journal you have here.

Loved Troy and Eric Bana's character too!! :)

Good luck with your exams!

Archana Ramesh said...

Hi Saranya,
I read your blog too.Thanks for dropping by..

All of them are old movies, from 20C B.C. I had stopped watching movies for a while.
Legally blonde 2 - Someone here likes "pink" movies...and the cover too looked hot pink! So I got the movie for this "someone".
Robots [from the ?director or producer? of Iceage rite?], Star Wars, Shark Tale, 13 going on 30 are all reserved for vacations. Teen Deewarein is a classic, Page 3 is just OKAY and BLACK? Why have you not seen BLACK yet? Make sure you have both Noddy and a box of tissues next to you when you see BLACK. Its a 'cry baby' movie......and I would love to see you cry during this one :P

Archana Ramesh said...

Princess Diaries II.......DONT WATCH IT! Its too creamy!!