Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Down the same old street

It was during my school days between 1999 and 2002. I was at high all girls school, the best in Bangalore....Dad used to drop me on his way to the office and Mi picked me up after school. Once in a week, specially on saturdays [as it was half day at school] she used to buy me Baskin Robbins icecream. Other times we used visit 'Veena Stores' - the best Idli Chutney available. The school still has those pink and yellow flowered trees. I used to wait for Mi under its shade with a couple of gud'ol friends. I remember the day when I stopped speaking to them because of a silly misunderstanding......We had a huge fight and the class teacher too came to know about it. God! those were such kiddish days.....I decided to catch up on them. It came as a surprise/shock to her when I knocked on her door. It had been 4 years and few days since we had spoken.
The first birthday I celebrated away from home, the time we spent chatting by writing messages on a paper while classes were still on, the lunch we had on the steps of the playground, the out of class trips, all these remain a distant memory now......


Chakra said...

Having a great Do enjoy your days there before u return back to good, old England! hav fun!!

Parth said...

Plese keep the memories flowing. I love writing and reading nostalgic posts. Stuff goosebumps are made off!

Unknown said...

That sure transported me back to those golden years... Well some of the stuff like passing chits in class we still do.. but I guess nothing beats those dayz...

Archana Ramesh said...

Meetu, not Archu again....I will be in Bangalore until the 23rd of April. So, a good 30 days more to spend :)!! U too enjoy your time at home....its the holiday season here I guess!

Chakra Sampath,
Absolutely!! Hmm....good old laid back England...

You will get more of such nostalgic stuff...I promise, until you are bored :P

You still pass chits?? Never caught by the faculty?? Lucky you!!