Thursday, January 27, 2005

Republic day and the fire alarm

Yesterday was the Republic day and this is the first time I missed it ever in my life. Nevertheless, as a citizen of the Republic Of India, I sang the national anthem at 12 in the night and my flatmate says it sounded like a ghost! What was louder was the fire alarm which started ringing at around 3:30 AM in the morning.....these things are crazy here! We all had to go out of the building and stand there watching the moon when it was freezing!! I like the whole scenario though!!!I am done with my exams and today we had Mechatronics [mechanics+electronics]. We had to answer 3 questions out of 5 which, by the way were elementary. I need to treat myself now. Thus, I am off to Manchester tomorrow for some fun hunting!


Unknown said...

Just passing by.. Nice blog. The fire alarm thing was funny.

Archana Ramesh said...

Thanks for the visit and comment Sumit. The fire alarms can be exhausting and still funny at the same time!! ;-)