For those who did not know, I am a fantastic cook (or atleast I'd like to think!). I absolutely love Italian food.. well actually any food as long as its vegetarian or chicken or fish. I shall record all my recipes from now on so that I dont spend time thinking in the future on what I'd like to eat for lunch or dinner. My first recipe will have to be 'Penne Giardiniera'. This recipe is inspired by the pasta of the same name served in Carluccios, the Italian chain of cafe-restaurants here. Everytime I go in there, I end up ordering the same thing...every time except for twice I think when I tried the ravioli. Okay, the recipe is the simplest there could be and is easy to cook.
Ingredients: (for two)
Pasta, preferably penne...other types like farfalle or shells can also be used but donot use spaghetti, the structure doesnt gel well!
1 medium sized courgette - grated
1 medium sized clove of garlic - finely chopped
1 spoon of grated Parmesan (you get this in Tesco)
1 small red chilli - the not hot variety - finely chopped
salt for seasoning
Olive oil
Boil the pasta in water with some salt added till its done. Drain it and keep aside. Meanwhile, take a seperate pan, pour in 1-2 spoons of olive oil. Put in the grated courgette and garlic and fry for apprx 3 minutes. Pour some water in between if you donot like your pasta dry. Add the chilli, the parmesan and season with a pinch of salt. Pour the courgette mixture over the drained pasta and mix well. Serve on a pasta plate with sprinkled parmesan on top.
On a completely different note, I started running again yesterday. Its been almost 2 years since I bought running tights and shoes from nike, thought I'll finally put it to some good use (specially after my dear friend in India commented that my weight is 'out of control' and I weigh 56 kilos!) But seriously, a healthy body, a healthy mind or so they say! Besides, Tower hill is so close to home and it is a serene place if one wants to run...and there are plenty running all day long. The weather on the other hand is horrid and discouraging. Not in terms of my body withstanding the temperature but my throat and the cold air donot make a good match. Would love to run a (short distance) marathon sometime...lets see if I can sustain this non-lazy phase!