and 3...a couple of pictures i took on a recent trip to the ghats .... the lotus very familiar to the ones that you find on wallpapers that come with MS windows :) More pictures to go but me too lazy to blog

Formerly an opinionated single girl's blog now hijacked by the better half for movie reviews and other things.
Football world cup + summer heat + England + Manchester triangle + crazy fans + white and red + beer + cigarettes + cops on horses
what you're seeing is absolutely nothing! Unfortunately my camera's battery dried out right after this picture...before the event started... have i seen these many people? this crazy?? with so many beer bottles? not even when India plays Pakistan are we like this!! This is one football crazy nation where football comes way before life and its stars are Gods reincarnated! To us, Manchester happened entirely due to different reasons...it cud as well be our last time together.... we didnt know England was playing Paraguay today until the last but one station. The train station remained abnormally uncalm and the triangle, insanely chaotic under the scorching sun. People from all corners of mid-England started pouring in as time moved closer to the event...its even better with a pint of beer i tell you! By the time we step out of selfridges after buying Gucci sunglasses, its worse!! Guys [well girls included] are clotheless! Its like being in an exhibition at Palace grounds, the crowd moving around, no air to breathe, just cigarettes and if when we looked up, we could see heads of tall guys if not their naked shoulders...jammed!! we're nothing but happy....its new.... something that doesnt happen everyday :P! we find a place....just so that we can watch half the screen. they start singing vindaloo and we follow humming the lyrics on the screen... guys behind us are chanting "Kick the fuckin losers out ta daa da daa da" we hear, sniggering. they boo paraguay, we stay good.... they boo the tree thats restricting views "pull the fuckin tree down ta daa da daa da", we're good really good! they shout when the team arrives, we do tooo... at the start of the match, to every corner my vision can reach i see white and red and faces over that.... looks like the entire arena is painted red and blue! England score the first goal, we're still there, dumbed by the noise. We've had our share, we cant take it anymore, not this madness, not the hunger.....we take off to a Spanish tapas restaurant and luckily England won 1-0, so we didnt miss much!!
Took a couple of pictures of these kids when I was in Bangalore... Though I did enjoy taking pictures of them, I dont see myself taking such pictures again..
Some of them do look good, and into it went a little bit of cropping...