Formerly an opinionated single girl's blog now hijacked by the better half for movie reviews and other things.
Monday, October 31, 2005
November 1, 1973 - The day when our state was transformed from the Mysore state to Karnataka......bringing the Kannada [one of the oldest languages in India....comes only after Sanskrit and Tamil] speaking population together to form a state. Worst comes, we, our language and our identity are a minority in our own land now.....but not forgetting the day, I bow to all those people [the poets, writers and theatre people] who strive day after day to keep the language and the spirit of the state alive. Specially to those people from outside of Karnataka like one Mr. Maththew [my Kannada teacher in high school], who inspite of being a Tamilian, didnt let us feel like he's one..... Mrs. Catherine [my Kannada teacher in primary school] with a Tulu mother tongue, I didnt know that she was a Mangalorean until about the last day of school. The knowledge they have about Kannada, I can only lighten up my eyes to look upto them. One can actually feel their love for the language when they speak. Its not difficult to draw inspiration from such people.....and I cant thank God [if there's one] enough for bringing them into my life.
You can actually disregard or even dispose the way the day is celebrated by some extreme 'porkis', film stars and politicians or people who limit the language to the film industry only.....the one's who collect 'chanda' to celebrate it on a high scale on a street, the one's who dont mind playing "Kenchaalo machaalo....hegavro nin duvgalu?....aahaa!!" as loud as possible the first thing in the morning and "Raaa Raaa.....Sanihaku raa raa" as late as 12 in the night!! Its highly enjoyable and we enjoyed it a lot too.....mainly laughing and dancing to the tunes but ohoyeeee......Kannada elli banthu illi??!!
Ps : If this day is just another holiday for you, hmmm.....
Saturday, October 22, 2005
the coloured one
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The birthday update
2)Age- 19 is old! very old!! This is my 20th year.....I'll complete 20 years next year....and thats too old for me! Its beyond my world of imagination that I'm on 20 now.....and yes, its scary!
But somehow, this before and after fear was seperated by one day. Thursday was so full that I didnt think about this. The first hour of thursday Mi and me celebrated in the company of an instant fruit cake. I was woken up at 10:00 in the morning by a phone call of wishes from home. Received lots and lots of mails from friends back's I never thought would wish. People whom I least expected called in one after another to wish me. Spent about two or three hours talking to a college friend. How content I was that I had to thank someone called God for all the people around me. A perfect day where I felt a little more than special. The chocolate cake , the french champagne to go along with delicious dinner from home and the loud peppy music that got us dancing which btw, also got our neighbour's dog barking..... the evening showed almost no sign of ending. The day goes in as one of the most memorable days I've you all who made it so!
Friday, October 14, 2005
The day I was born!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
On a high!
An update to follow.........
Update update :
I turned 19 today! Was talking to my dumbo friend after a very long time. V3 went to college together...... memories came flashing back. Our adda that we named 'Titanic', the chapel we went to skipping our classes, the steps where we spent hours and hours chatting, the tikki-puri-wala who provided us lunch every afternoon, our dreams set asail at the 'after hours' small store, the first time I went to a movie ever with my friends w/o telling my parents, the watchmen chasing us when we actually jumped over the fence to escape to Majestic to watch Saathiya.....the time we had in a crowded theatre when we stood on our seats to sing "Reheneko Chodo bhi jaane do yaar....Hum na karenge pyaar" amidst DilVil Pyar Vyar.......everything came right back......
On my Birthday, I'm not done with it yet.....more to follow!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Just in a mood....

Its out of focus and beautiful!
Found these verses match beautifully....
Followed by a ray of light
As all the other roses fell into darkness
The solitary rose began to shine
Shining with a special light...
And watered by a gentle cascade...
A cascade of love
A cascade of selfless affection
"I do... not now but forever..."
Said the rose to the sunlight
And there they remain
A rose in full bloom
With her sunshine smiling down on her..."

Monday, October 10, 2005
Just another FABULOUS day!!!!
Plan 1 : To sleep and relax the whole sunday......mission failed. Woke up at around 10:30/11 and changed plans.
Plan2 : Was to go to Manchester.....we went to the train station and missed the train!
Plan3: Didnt change much, we were to catch the next available train and that was an hour later!
Plan4: No more Manchester! Who wants to wait for an a train station.....when the temperature is about 9/10 C
Plan5: To come back home and activate 'Plan 1' . So we start walking towards home.
Plan6: There's Cineworld on the way. So why not watch a movie? We dropped in only to be disinterested in all the movies.....seriously, who wants to watch Pride & Prejudice again? So we went to 'Nandos', the restaurant I had mentioned eat......and we ate!! Walked to the city centre and found just one store open and that, thankfully, was a Virgin megastore. I finally bought a special edition of the famous ' Shawshank Redemption' and 'The Godfather' [I had not watched both of them....not until yesterday!].
Walking back we pass by NMPFT [National museum of Photography, Film and Television] . This is the best in UK and living in Bradford for about a year, it was bad enough that I hadnt cared to step inside.....not for once atleast even though we've walked by it several times. If you ever visit Bradford, it should be because of this museum! There are about 3 cinemas inside...Pictureville, IMAX and the Cubby Broccoli Cinema. After visiting the gallery to look at Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn, we decided to watch 'Oliver Twist'. For those of you who are unfamiliar, 'Oliver Twist' is a novel by Charles Dickens and the movie is directed by Roman Polanski of 'The Pianist' fame. Roman Polanski was a reason enough to watch the movie. After watching, I couldnt make out whether it was Charles Dickens or Ronald Harwood......but if you are movieless after watching Pride&Prejudice, this is the one to go for.....there are no good movies this season : ( And the best part of the movie, Ben Kingsley makes you want to punch him on his face!
Time for IMAX, and time for India........Mystic India! Caught up with the IMAX experience of Mystic awareness documentary about SwamiNarayan and his journey. I went in to catch glimpses of an unseen India, which btw I did to a very less extent, and I came out knowing about Swaminarayan! I would have been more appreciative if the title were to be something like 'YOGI' instead of Mystic India!
We left IMAX and NMPFT at around 9:30 in the night and walked back.....the sky was the clearest....I could see the stars and the walk back home was.... beautiful specially cos its autumn! Late in the night we watched 'Shawshank Redemption' and I have this to say about it...........
If I didnt care
More than words can say
If I didnt care
Would I feel this way?
If this isnt love
Then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head go round and round
While my heart stands still?
Lunch was deliciously satisfying, the first two movies were less impressive but largely enjoyable, the walk was quarter moon-lit and finally Shawshank Redemption was Shawshank Redemption! This week, life will be like this.....inefficiently planned but eventful......very eventful!!!!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Me again!
My Mi hasnt left, I donot have a witless boyfriend to breakup with and to cry over, I am not 100 years old and most importantly, I have not been kicked out of my university [not yet!] and no, I dont suffer from an over sensitive MPD too!!
But for all you office goers or students or house wifes [I havent come across any!]for whom, my blog along with numerous other blogs provides a work long commitment of companionship, I promise you for this one week, I will post regularly.....atleast once in two days :D However people, beware , I am not good at keeping promises!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
what happens next?
XXXX Hospital
This is not an emergency hospital
All accident cases should go to YYYY Hospital
And I always thought, whichever it is, a hospital is a hospital...and every hospital should be equipped/prepared to attend emergency cases. What if a case suffers death on the way to YYYY Hospital??